Roadtrek Web Site
Roadtrek Home Page (Note that this is a different company than the original Roadtrek (first known as Home & Park) from which we purchased. It is now owned by Groupe Rapido after they acquired it in 2019)
Web Discussion Forums
Roadtrek International Chapter of FMCA - Every Roadtrek owner should join this. Great information found on their CyberRally.
Woodalls Open Roads Forum - Camping Van Conversions - Info on many types of Class B motorhomes including Roadtrek
Class B RVs, Camper Vans and Camper Van Conversions - another nice forum dedicated to Class B motorhomes
Websites for Various Components in my Roadtrek
Suburban SW6DE Water Heater - Manuals and parts for this gas ⁄ electric water heater (for manual see Here )
Suburban NT-16SE Furnace - Manuals and parts for this ultra-compact furnace
Sites of Interest for Roadtrek Owners
Propane Safety tips - I always turn my main propane valve off before driving. Here is a short safety video.